Tuesday, June 08, 2004


I beleive that much more geologic evidence abounds here on earth than scientists have been willing to admit concerning asteroids strikes.

Another thing I believe is that the Gulf of Mexico was created by one or two massive asteroids. The whole Gulf and surrounding land masses have all the outward appearences of a double crater. If I am right, the size of the asteroids may have been the plate buster that broke the one continental plate into the seven we have today. At any rate here is a little article about the Chesepeake Bay

Cool Find Deep in the Chesapeake Bay Geologists with the U.S. Geological Survey drilled deep into the Chesapeake Bay--2,700 feet to be exact. It cost $180,000 and took them more than two weeks, working around the clock. It was worth the effort. They have uncovered more signs of a space rock's impact some 35 million years ago, including jumbled, mixed bits of crystalline and melted rock that can be dated, as well as marine deposits, and brine, reports The Associated Press.

Cape Charles, Virginia on the Delmarva Peninsula is considered Ground Zero for the ancient asteroid or comet impact that formed the 56-mile-wide depression that is now the Chesapeake Bay. This latest drilling project is the first time geologists have explored the inner portion of the crater, which is shaped like an inverted sombrero. "We expected to see some pretty strange rocks because of the extreme pressure and temperatures that occurred," lead geologist Greg Gohn told AP. Now scientists are hoping to identify the space rock.

Geologists think the ancient asteroid was 2 miles wide and slammed into the Virginia coast at thousands of miles per hour--such a tremendous force that it depressed and fractured the bedrock. In that instant, billions of tons of ocean water simply vaporized. Debris spewed 30 miles high before raining back to Earth. Giant waves crashed into the land, dragging debris back into the newly formed crater and preserving it in nature's time capsule underneath a blanket of rock and sediment. The entire event, which created the largest crater in the United States, likely took just a few minutes.

Another thanks to wmconnect

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