Wednesday, February 11, 2004

What Is,

I remember people wandering around saying "what is, man." We all used to smile at it and highfived and maybe do funny things with our hands in some strange effort at coming up with a greeting other than a common handshake.
The other day as I was pondering about, I had 1/2 an epiphany. What is the truth. 2+2=4 No matter how many times I add it up it still is the same. Why is it then that 65% of Iraqis want us to stay but the media is working so hard to make us look bad there? What is the big kiniption with us going there in the first place?
I personally would have not wasted any time in kiel hauling Iraq because Saddam Hussein was an active supporter and contributed to terrorist groups and activities. Saddam had been keeping in touch with Al Quada too. Worse because he was the leader of a nation had access to his own intelligence service. Uh- wait a minute does that mean I may be suggesting that Hussein was actively committed to covert actions against the U.S.. Duh-Huh. I am. For some reason people seem to have such a narrow view of what covert actions may entail.
Use your imagination. If you couldn't insert people in sensitive intelligence or military or other government institutions, then the easiest way may be to insert a large number of people in the private sector with a simple task. Disrupt as much as possible the ordinary day to day activities of work. Because of the competitive nature of our businesses, little if any would be reported to gov agencies as possible covert activities. In fact virtually all of it would be written off as bad management or as a drop in the quality of the labor pool.
The question then might be If this were so what could we do without jumping to a McCarthy style of quest ( I'm proud of a fellow crazy anti-communist Wisconsonite). One of the things that we have tried to do in this country is push responsibilities as far down the the ladder as possible in the work place. The belief being that the workers at the bottom doing the day to day slog are in a better position to find an efficient way of accomplishing a task. They are indeed. However the mid level management got lazy. Also with the heavy attack on businesses by our unstructured court system(ie. lawsuits). Coupled with the cheating society we live in today and a Dictator named whosit's who vowed revenge after gulf war 1, we have a recipe for economic frustration.
What is?
Put the supervisors back behind the employees in direct oversite quit the crap, gossip, lying and make every employee work the work. No sloughing off no blaming others for their own laziness, no dumping the hard stuff on others. Managers in the not to distant past used to get their promotions based on their own staffs productivity and how well they trained their replacements. Managers should not be promotable unless they have a good qualified individual that could step up to bat. Management used to be happy to give people good performance reviews because it meant they were doing a good job too. No one was afraid of the truth, no one was afraid that they would loose their job to a lower paid employee. Everyone worked hard and was happy to produce. Employers were glad to keep good workers around and happy to pay them for it. The old saying still goes. Yah get what yah pay for. If ya want slaves ya have to pay for them but last time I checked the slaves weren't the better workers.
Employers worked hard-employees worked hard . That's life.
I got news for young uns- ain,t no free ride.
Get to work!

Meandering -I must love it.

What about this theory of mine that perhaps Saddam was behind some of the weird stuff that is going on in this country. Well, It's a free country. As long as I'm willing to look at it as a theory and a possibility and not reality then that supposedly makes me sane.

What is?

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