Sunday, June 12, 2005

I am not Catholic

I remember a long time ago I had noticed that there were saints amongst all the differing branches of Christianity. this girl is Catholic and I just kindof stumbled upon her.
This is Saint Hood this is the dwelling place of Little lambs. These are the people most precious to our lord. These are the people at the front of the line as opposed to me. If I am lucky I'll end up in the middle somewhere

[ Did you receive a gift from God today?Why sure you did! You woke up, didn't you?Every new day is a gift from God. Every leaf, every sunrise, every thing is a gift. You have gifts all around you--- so start noticing them. Saint Paul tells us" What do you possess that you have not received?... You have already grown rich". So if you're so rich, enjoy it! God GAVE you life. God GAVE you the world --- and all the wonders of the earth and the sky and the sea. So what do you do when somebody gives you a gift? You enjoy it, appreciate it-- and say thanks. ]

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