Friday, February 20, 2004

I think it's time we admitt it. We don't have a government any more.
As soon as enough people figure it out the sooner somthing will happen(notice I used that word on purpose). Good or bad. I say bad.

The reason nothing good will happen. The honest people are already trying to protect themselves by looking the other way when evil shows up at thier door or work place.

I know that people think of evil like Hitler or Lenin, but it has a more common guise. That of passing rumors around that they have no clue whether or not are true. Renigging on work because thier lazy. By taking bribes subtley or plain cash. Sabotaging co-workers for the sake of vengence or because of the lies spread around.

When good honest hard working people do nothing when des-pite shows up, They are trying to save themselves. To me that's cowardice, and I despise cowards. So common people let's get crackin. I for one have never missed an opportunity to crack the devil over the head. You might say I enjoy giving him what he deserves. Because if we don't oppose evil vigoursly evil will consume our way of life.

All it takes is our mouths gettin big and making our point right up front.

Don't worry I don't intend to stop thumping him around.

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